Collective Spin-Light and Light-Mediated Spin-Spin Interactions in an
Optical Cavity
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- Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 12:52:26 GMT
- Title: Collective Spin-Light and Light-Mediated Spin-Spin Interactions in an
Optical Cavity
- Authors: Zeyang Li, Boris Braverman, Simone Colombo, Chi Shu, Akio Kawasaki,
Albert Adiyatullin, Edwin Pedrozo-Pe\~nafiel, Enrique Mendez, Vladan
- Abstract summary: interaction between an atomic ensemble and a light mode in a high-finesse optical cavity can easily reach the strong-coupling regime.
We analyze the dominant effects on the collective atomic state and the light field.
We present analytical expressions for the entanglement induced by the interaction, and determine the conditions that maximize the entanglement-induced gain.
- Score: 0.5396401833457565
- License:
- Abstract: The interaction between an atomic ensemble and a light mode in a high-finesse
optical cavity can easily reach the strong-coupling regime, where quantum
effects dominate. In this regime, the interaction can be used to generate both
atom-light and atom-atom entanglement. We analyze the dominant effects on the
collective atomic state and the light field, and derive a unified approach that
can account for atomic entanglement induced both by measurements on the light
field, and by ignoring the state of the light field altogether. We present
analytical expressions for the entanglement induced by the interaction, and
determine the conditions that maximize the entanglement-induced gain over the
standard quantum limit in quantum sensors and atomic clocks.
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