Renormalization group analysis of near-field induced dephasing of
optical spin waves in an atomic medium
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- Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 17:03:29 GMT
- Title: Renormalization group analysis of near-field induced dephasing of
optical spin waves in an atomic medium
- Authors: Stefano Grava, Yizun He, Saijun Wu and Darrick E. Chang
- Abstract summary: We develop a comprehensive theory of dephasing dynamics for arbitrary times and atomic densities.
We quantitatively predict the dominant role that near-field optical interactions between nearby neighbors has in driving the dephasing process.
These results should shed light on the limits imposed by near-field interactions on quantum optical phenomena in dense atomic media.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: While typical theories of atom-light interactions treat the atomic medium as
being smooth, it is well-known that microscopic optical effects driven by
atomic granularity, dipole-dipole interactions, and multiple scattering can
lead to important effects. Recently, for example, it was experimentally
observed that these ingredients can lead to a fundamental, density-dependent
dephasing of optical spin waves in a disordered atomic medium. Here, we go
beyond the short-time and dilute limits considered previously, to develop a
comprehensive theory of dephasing dynamics for arbitrary times and atomic
densities. In particular, we develop a novel, non-perturbative theory based on
strong disorder renormalization group, in order to quantitatively predict the
dominant role that near-field optical interactions between nearby neighbors has
in driving the dephasing process. This theory also enables one to capture the
key features of the many-atom dephasing dynamics in terms of an effective
single-atom model. These results should shed light on the limits imposed by
near-field interactions on quantum optical phenomena in dense atomic media, and
illustrate the promise of strong disorder renormalization group as a method of
dealing with complex microscopic optical phenomena in such systems.
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