Efficient Experimental Verification of Quantum Gates with Local
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.02365v1
- Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2021 02:56:55 GMT
- Title: Efficient Experimental Verification of Quantum Gates with Local
- Authors: Rui-Qi Zhang, Zhibo Hou, Jun-Feng Tang, Jiangwei Shang, Huangjun Zhu,
Guo-Yong Xiang, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
- Abstract summary: We propose a variant of quantum gate verification (QGV) which is robust to practical gate imperfections.
We experimentally realize efficient QGV on a two-qubit controlled-not gate and a three-qubit Toffoli gate.
Our work promises a solution to the dimensionality curse in verifying large quantum devices in the quantum era.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Verifying the correct functioning of quantum gates is a crucial step towards
reliable quantum information processing, but it becomes an overwhelming
challenge as the system size grows due to the dimensionality curse. Recent
theoretical breakthroughs show that it is possible to verify various important
quantum gates with the optimal sample complexity of $O(1/\epsilon)$ using local
operations only, where $\epsilon$ is the estimation precision. In this work, we
propose a variant of quantum gate verification (QGV) which is robust to
practical gate imperfections, and experimentally realize efficient QGV on a
two-qubit controlled-not gate and a three-qubit Toffoli gate using only local
state preparations and measurements. The experimental results show that, by
using only 1600 and 2600 measurements on average, we can verify with 95%
confidence level that the implemented controlled-not gate and Toffoli gate have
fidelities at least 99% and 97%, respectively. Demonstrating the superior low
sample complexity and experimental feasibility of QGV, our work promises a
solution to the dimensionality curse in verifying large quantum devices in the
quantum era.
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