Efficient Local Planning with Linear Function Approximation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05533v1
- Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2021 04:56:33 GMT
- Title: Efficient Local Planning with Linear Function Approximation
- Authors: Dong Yin, Botao Hao, Yasin Abbasi-Yadkori, Nevena Lazi\'{c}, Csaba
- Abstract summary: We study query and computationally efficient planning algorithms with linear function approximation and a simulator.
We propose an algorithm named confident Monte Carlo least square policy iteration (Confident MC-LSPI) for this setting.
One technical contribution of our work is the introduction of a novel proof technique that makes use of a virtual policy algorithm.
- Score: 27.90696655434707
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We study query and computationally efficient planning algorithms with linear
function approximation and a simulator. We assume that the agent only has local
access to the simulator, meaning that the agent can only query the simulator at
states that have been visited before. This setting is more practical than many
prior works on reinforcement learning with a generative model. We propose an
algorithm named confident Monte Carlo least square policy iteration (Confident
MC-LSPI) for this setting. Under the assumption that the Q-functions of all
deterministic policies are linear in known features of the state-action pairs,
we show that our algorithm has polynomial query and computational complexities
in the dimension of the features, the effective planning horizon and the
targeted sub-optimality, while these complexities are independent of the size
of the state space. One technical contribution of our work is the introduction
of a novel proof technique that makes use of a virtual policy iteration
algorithm. We use this method to leverage existing results on
$\ell_\infty$-bounded approximate policy iteration to show that our algorithm
can learn the optimal policy for the given initial state even only with local
access to the simulator. We believe that this technique can be extended to
broader settings beyond this work.
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