On reconstructing parts of quantum theory from two relates maximal
conceptual variables
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12168v4
- Date: Wed, 25 May 2022 17:52:00 GMT
- Title: On reconstructing parts of quantum theory from two relates maximal
conceptual variables
- Authors: Inge S. Helland
- Abstract summary: In this paper the main results from [4] are made more precise and more general.
Some consequences of this approach towards quantum theory are also discussed here.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In the book [4] the general problem of reconstructing the Hilbert space
formulation in quantum theory is discussed from the point of view of what I
called conceptual variables, any variables defined by a person or by a group of
persons. These variables may be inaccessible, i.e., impossible to assign
numerical value to by experiments or by measurements, or accessible. One basic
assumption in [4] and here is that group actions g 2 G are defined on a space
where some maximally accessible variable varies, and then accessible functions
of these maximal variables are introduced. By using group representation theory
the basic Hilbert space formalism is restored under the assumption that the
observator or the set of observators has two related maximally accessible
variables in his (their) mind(s). The notion of relationship is precisely
defined here. Symmetric (self-adjoint) operators are connected to each
variable, and in the discrete case the possible values of the variables are
given by the eigenvalues of the operators. In this paper the main results from
[4] are made more precise and more general. It turns out that the conditions of
the main theorem there can be weakened in two essential ways: 1) No
measurements need to be assumed, so the result is also applicable to general
decision situations; 2) States can have arbitrary phase factors. Some
consequences of this approach towards quantum theory are also discussed here.
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