Position-based Hash Embeddings For Scaling Graph Neural Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00101v1
- Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2021 22:42:25 GMT
- Title: Position-based Hash Embeddings For Scaling Graph Neural Networks
- Authors: Maria Kalantzi, George Karypis
- Abstract summary: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) compute node representations by taking into account the topology of the node's ego-network and the features of the ego-network's nodes.
When the nodes do not have high-quality features, GNNs learn an embedding layer to compute node embeddings and use them as input features.
To reduce the memory associated with this embedding layer, hashing-based approaches, commonly used in applications like NLP and recommender systems, can potentially be used.
We present approaches that take advantage of the nodes' position in the graph to dramatically reduce the memory required.
- Score: 8.87527266373087
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) bring the power of deep representation learning
to graph and relational data and achieve state-of-the-art performance in many
applications. GNNs compute node representations by taking into account the
topology of the node's ego-network and the features of the ego-network's nodes.
When the nodes do not have high-quality features, GNNs learn an embedding layer
to compute node embeddings and use them as input features. However, the size of
the embedding layer is linear to the graph size and does not scale to graphs
with hundreds of millions of nodes. To reduce the memory associated with this
embedding layer, hashing-based approaches, commonly used in applications like
NLP and recommender systems, can potentially be used. However, a direct
application of these ideas fails to exploit the fact that in many real-world
graphs, nodes that are topologically close will tend to be related to each
other (homophily) and as such their representations will be similar.
In this work, we present approaches that take advantage of the nodes'
position in the graph to dramatically reduce the memory required, with minimal
if any degradation in the quality of the resulting GNN model. Our approaches
decompose a node's embedding into two components: a position-specific component
and a node-specific component. The position-specific component models homophily
and the node-specific component models the node-to-node variation. Extensive
experiments using different datasets and GNN models show that in nearly all
cases, our methods are able to reduce the memory requirements by 86% to 97%
while achieving better classification accuracy than other competing approaches,
including the full embeddings.
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