An objective function for order preserving hierarchical clustering
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- Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2021 13:35:01 GMT
- Title: An objective function for order preserving hierarchical clustering
- Authors: Daniel Bakkelund
- Abstract summary: The model is an extension of the Dasgupta cost function for divisive hierarchical clustering.
Finding an optimal solution is NP-hard, so we provide a time approximation, with a relative performance guarantee of $O(log3/2n)$.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: We present an objective function for similarity based hierarchical clustering
of partially ordered data that preserves the partial order in the sense that if
$x \leq y$, and if $[x]$ and $[y]$ are the respective clusters of $x$ and $y$,
then there is an order relation $\leq'$ on the clusters for which $[x] \leq'
|y]$. The model distinguishes itself from existing methods and models for
clustering of ordered data in that the order relation and the similarity are
combined to obtain an optimal hierarchical clustering seeking to satisfy both,
and that the order relation is equipped with a pairwise level of comparability
in the range $[0,1]$. In particular, if the similarity and the order relation
are not aligned, then order preservation may have to yield in favor of
clustering. Finding an optimal solution is NP-hard, so we provide a polynomial
time approximation algorithm, with a relative performance guarantee of
$O(\log^{3/2}n)$, based on successive applications of directed sparsest cut.
The model is an extension of the Dasgupta cost function for divisive
hierarchical clustering.
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