Hierarchical Clustering: New Bounds and Objective
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06863v1
- Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 18:32:23 GMT
- Title: Hierarchical Clustering: New Bounds and Objective
- Authors: Mirmahdi Rahgoshay and Mohammad R. Salavatipour
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new objective function for dissimilarity-based clustering.
For any tree $T$, let $H_i,j$ be the number of $i$ and $j$'s common ancestors.
- Score: 1.1295032417617457
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Hierarchical Clustering has been studied and used extensively as a method for
analysis of data. More recently, Dasgupta [2016] defined a precise objective
function. Given a set of $n$ data points with a weight function $w_{i,j}$ for
each two items $i$ and $j$ denoting their similarity/dis-similarity, the goal
is to build a recursive (tree like) partitioning of the data points (items)
into successively smaller clusters. He defined a cost function for a tree $T$
to be $Cost(T) = \sum_{i,j \in [n]} \big(w_{i,j} \times |T_{i,j}| \big)$ where
$T_{i,j}$ is the subtree rooted at the least common ancestor of $i$ and $j$ and
presented the first approximation algorithm for such clustering. Then Moseley
and Wang [2017] considered the dual of Dasgupta's objective function for
similarity-based weights and showed that both random partitioning and average
linkage have approximation ratio $1/3$ which has been improved in a series of
works to $0.585$ [Alon et al. 2020]. Later Cohen-Addad et al. [2019] considered
the same objective function as Dasgupta's but for dissimilarity-based metrics,
called $Rev(T)$. It is shown that both random partitioning and average linkage
have ratio $2/3$ which has been only slightly improved to $0.667078$ [Charikar
et al. SODA2020]. Our first main result is to consider $Rev(T)$ and present a
more delicate algorithm and careful analysis that achieves approximation
$0.71604$. We also introduce a new objective function for dissimilarity-based
clustering. For any tree $T$, let $H_{i,j}$ be the number of $i$ and $j$'s
common ancestors. Intuitively, items that are similar are expected to remain
within the same cluster as deep as possible. So, for dissimilarity-based
metrics, we suggest the cost of each tree $T$, which we want to minimize, to be
$Cost_H(T) = \sum_{i,j \in [n]} \big(w_{i,j} \times H_{i,j} \big)$. We present
a $1.3977$-approximation for this objective.
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