論文の概要: COVID-Net Clinical ICU: Enhanced Prediction of ICU Admission for
COVID-19 Patients via Explainability and Trust Quantification
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06711v1
- Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:16:32 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-09-15 15:50:17.770455
- Title: COVID-Net Clinical ICU: Enhanced Prediction of ICU Admission for
COVID-19 Patients via Explainability and Trust Quantification
- Title(参考訳): COVID-Net クリニカル ICU:説明可能性と信頼度による ICU 入院の予測
- Authors: Audrey Chung, Mahmoud Famouri, Andrew Hryniowski, and Alexander Wong
- Abstract要約: 患者臨床データに基づくICU入院予測のためのニューラルネットワークであるCOVID-Net Clinical ICUを紹介する。
提案されたCOVID-Net Clinical ICUは、1,925人のCOVID-19患者からなるシロ・リバネ病院の臨床データセットを使用して構築された。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 71.80459780697956
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a devastating global impact, and has
placed a tremendous burden on struggling healthcare systems around the world.
Given the limited resources, accurate patient triaging and care planning is
critical in the fight against COVID-19, and one crucial task within care
planning is determining if a patient should be admitted to a hospital's
intensive care unit (ICU). Motivated by the need for transparent and
trustworthy ICU admission clinical decision support, we introduce COVID-Net
Clinical ICU, a neural network for ICU admission prediction based on patient
clinical data. Driven by a transparent, trust-centric methodology, the proposed
COVID-Net Clinical ICU was built using a clinical dataset from Hospital
Sirio-Libanes comprising of 1,925 COVID-19 patients, and is able to predict
when a COVID-19 positive patient would require ICU admission with an accuracy
of 96.9% to facilitate better care planning for hospitals amidst the on-going
pandemic. We conducted system-level insight discovery using a quantitative
explainability strategy to study the decision-making impact of different
clinical features and gain actionable insights for enhancing predictive
performance. We further leveraged a suite of trust quantification metrics to
gain deeper insights into the trustworthiness of COVID-Net Clinical ICU. By
digging deeper into when and why clinical predictive models makes certain
decisions, we can uncover key factors in decision making for critical clinical
decision support tasks such as ICU admission prediction and identify the
situations under which clinical predictive models can be trusted for greater
- Abstract(参考訳): 新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)のパンデミックは世界的な衝撃を受け続けており、世界中で苦戦している医療システムに多大な負担をかけている。
患者臨床データに基づくICU入院予測のためのニューラルネットワークであるCOVID-Net Clinical ICUを導入する。
透明で信頼に満ちた手法によって、提案されたCOVID-Net Clinical ICUは、1,925人のCOVID-19患者からなるシロ・リビアン病院の臨床データセットを使用して構築され、新型コロナウイルス陽性患者がICUの入院を96.9%の精度で求めることを予測できる。
定量的説明可能性戦略を用いてシステムレベルの洞察の発見を行い, 臨床特徴の意思決定への影響を調査し, 予測性能の向上に有効な洞察を得た。
さらに、信頼度定量化指標を活用し、COVID-Net Clinical ICUの信頼性に関する深い洞察を得た。
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