Optimal policy evaluation using kernel-based temporal difference methods
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12002v1
- Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:48:20 GMT
- Title: Optimal policy evaluation using kernel-based temporal difference methods
- Authors: Yaqi Duan, Mengdi Wang, Martin J. Wainwright
- Abstract summary: We use kernel Hilbert spaces for estimating the value function of an infinite-horizon discounted Markov reward process.
We derive a non-asymptotic upper bound on the error with explicit dependence on the eigenvalues of the associated kernel operator.
We prove minimax lower bounds over sub-classes of MRPs.
- Score: 78.83926562536791
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We study methods based on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for estimating
the value function of an infinite-horizon discounted Markov reward process
(MRP). We study a regularized form of the kernel least-squares temporal
difference (LSTD) estimate; in the population limit of infinite data, it
corresponds to the fixed point of a projected Bellman operator defined by the
associated reproducing kernel Hilbert space. The estimator itself is obtained
by computing the projected fixed point induced by a regularized version of the
empirical operator; due to the underlying kernel structure, this reduces to
solving a linear system involving kernel matrices. We analyze the error of this
estimate in the $L^2(\mu)$-norm, where $\mu$ denotes the stationary
distribution of the underlying Markov chain. Our analysis imposes no
assumptions on the transition operator of the Markov chain, but rather only
conditions on the reward function and population-level kernel LSTD solutions.
We use empirical process theory techniques to derive a non-asymptotic upper
bound on the error with explicit dependence on the eigenvalues of the
associated kernel operator, as well as the instance-dependent variance of the
Bellman residual error. In addition, we prove minimax lower bounds over
sub-classes of MRPs, which shows that our rate is optimal in terms of the
sample size $n$ and the effective horizon $H = (1 - \gamma)^{-1}$. Whereas
existing worst-case theory predicts cubic scaling ($H^3$) in the effective
horizon, our theory reveals that there is in fact a much wider range of
scalings, depending on the kernel, the stationary distribution, and the
variance of the Bellman residual error. Notably, it is only parametric and
near-parametric problems that can ever achieve the worst-case cubic scaling.
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