Transient Density-Induced Dipolar Interactions in a Thin Vapor Cell
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- Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 15:03:07 GMT
- Title: Transient Density-Induced Dipolar Interactions in a Thin Vapor Cell
- Authors: Florian Christaller, Max M\"ausezahl, Felix Moumtsilis, Annika Belz,
Harald K\"ubler, Hadiseh Alaeian, Charles S. Adams, Robert L\"ow, Tilman Pfau
- Abstract summary: We exploit the effect of light-induced atomic desorption to produce high atomic densities in a rubidium vapor cell.
An intense off-resonant laser is pulsed for roughly one nanosecond on a micrometer-sized sapphire-coated cell.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We exploit the effect of light-induced atomic desorption to produce high
atomic densities ($n\gg k^3$) in a rubidium vapor cell. An intense off-resonant
laser is pulsed for roughly one nanosecond on a micrometer-sized
sapphire-coated cell, which results in the desorption of atomic clouds from
both internal surfaces. We probe the transient atomic density evolution by
time-resolved absorption spectroscopy.With a temporal resolution of
$\approx1\,\mathrm{ns}$, we measure the broadening and line shift of the atomic
resonances. Both broadening and line shift are attributed to dipole-dipole
interactions. This fast switching of the atomic density and dipolar
interactions could be the basis for future quantum devices based on the
excitation blockade.
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