Asymmetric comb waveguide for strong interactions between atoms and
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- Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 07:30:09 GMT
- Title: Asymmetric comb waveguide for strong interactions between atoms and
- Authors: Nikos Fayard, Adrien Bouscal, Jeremy Berroir, Alban Urvoy, Tridib Ray,
Sukanya Mahapatra, Malik Kemiche, Juan-Ariel Levenson, Jean-Jacques Greffet,
Kamel Bencheikh, Julien Laurat, Christophe Sauvan
- Abstract summary: We show that cold Rubidium atoms can be trapped as close as 100 nm from the structure in a 1.3-mK-deep potential well.
For atoms trapped at this position, the emission into guided photons is largely favored, with a beta factor as high as 0.88 and a radiative decay rate into the slow mode 10 times larger than the free-space decay rate.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Coupling quantum emitters and nanostructures, in particular cold atoms and
waveguides, has recently raised a large interest due to unprecedented
possibilities of engineering light-matter interactions. However, the
implementation of these promising concepts has been hampered by various
theoretical and experimental issues. In this work, we propose a new type of
periodic dielectric waveguide that provides strong interactions between atoms
and guided photons with an unusual dispersion. We design an asymmetric comb
waveguide that supports a slow mode with a quartic (instead of quadratic)
dispersion and an electric field that extends far into the air cladding for an
optimal interaction with atoms. We compute the optical trapping potential
formed with two guided modes at frequencies detuned from the atomic transition.
We show that cold Rubidium atoms can be trapped as close as 100 nm from the
structure in a 1.3-mK-deep potential well. For atoms trapped at this position,
the emission into guided photons is largely favored, with a beta factor as high
as 0.88 and a radiative decay rate into the slow mode 10 times larger than the
free-space decay rate.
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