Relativistic weak quantum gravity and its significance for the standard
model of particle physics
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- Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 06:40:31 GMT
- Title: Relativistic weak quantum gravity and its significance for the standard
model of particle physics
- Authors: Tejinder P. Singh
- Abstract summary: There ought to exist a reformulation of quantum theory, even at energy scales much lower than Planck scale.
We have proposed such a formulation, by replacing 4D Minkowski spacetime by an octonionic space.
We do not need experiments at ever higher energies to understand the low energy standard model.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: There ought to exist a reformulation of quantum theory, even at energy scales
much lower than Planck scale, which does not depend on classical time. Such a
formulation is required also for the standard model of particle physics, at the
low energies at which it is currently observed. We have proposed such a
formulation, by replacing 4D Minkowski spacetime by an octonionic space. Doing
so allows us to naturally construct spinor states which describe quarks and
leptons having properties as in the standard model. We conclude that the
aforesaid reformulation of quantum theory helps understand why the standard
model is what it is. We do not need experiments at ever higher energies to
understand the low energy standard model. Instead, we need a better
understanding of the quantum nature of spacetime at low energies, such that the
quantum spacetime is consistent with the principle of quantum linear
superposition. In the present short review article, we give a summary of our
ongoing research programme which aims to address these issues.
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