Symmetry Classification and Universality in Non-Hermitian Many-Body
Quantum Chaos by the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model
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- Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 11:28:12 GMT
- Title: Symmetry Classification and Universality in Non-Hermitian Many-Body
Quantum Chaos by the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model
- Authors: Antonio M. Garc\'ia-Garc\'ia, Lucas S\'a, and Jacobus J. M.
- Abstract summary: For Hermitian Hamiltonians, quantum chaotic motion is related to random matrix theory spectral correlations.
We show that local level statistics, which probe the dynamics around the Heisenberg time, of a non-Hermitian $q$-body Sachdev-Ye-Kitev model with $N$ Majorana fermions, are also well described by random matrix theory.
We identify $19$ out of the $38$ non-Hermitian universality classes in the nHSYK model, including those corresponding to the way.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Spectral correlations are a powerful tool to study the dynamics of quantum
many-body systems. For Hermitian Hamiltonians, quantum chaotic motion is
related to random matrix theory spectral correlations. Based on recent progress
in the application of spectral analysis to non-Hermitian quantum systems, we
show that local level statistics, which probe the dynamics around the
Heisenberg time, of a non-Hermitian $q$-body Sachdev-Ye-Kitev (nHSYK) model
with $N$ Majorana fermions, and its chiral and complex-fermion extensions, are
also well described by random matrix theory for $q > 2$, while for $q = 2$,
they are given by the equivalent of Poisson statistics. For that comparison, we
combine exact diagonalization numerical techniques with analytical results
obtained for some of the random matrix spectral observables. Moreover,
depending on $q$ and $N$, we identify $19$ out of the $38$ non-Hermitian
universality classes in the nHSYK model, including those corresponding to the
tenfold way. In particular, we realize explicitly $14$ out of the $15$
universality classes corresponding to non-pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians that
involve universal bulk correlations of classes ${\rm AI}^\dagger$ and ${\rm
AII}^\dagger$, beyond the Ginibre ensembles. These results provide strong
evidence of striking universal features in non-unitary many-body quantum chaos,
which in all cases can be captured by nHSYK models with $q > 2$.
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