Task Allocation for Multi-Robot Task and Motion Planning: a case for
Object Picking in Cluttered Workspaces
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.04089v1
- Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2021 12:36:43 GMT
- Title: Task Allocation for Multi-Robot Task and Motion Planning: a case for
Object Picking in Cluttered Workspaces
- Authors: Hossein Karami, Antony Thomas, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni
- Abstract summary: We present an integrated multi-robot task and motion planning approach.
It is capable of handling tasks which involve an unknown number of object re-arrangements.
We demonstrate our results with experiments in simulation on two Franka Emika manipulators.
- Score: 1.3535770763481902
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We present an AND/OR graph-based, integrated multi-robot task and motion
planning approach which (i) performs task allocation coordinating the activity
of a given number of robots, and (ii) is capable of handling tasks which
involve an a priori unknown number of object re-arrangements, such as those
involved in retrieving objects from cluttered workspaces. Such situations may
arise, for example, in search and rescue scenarios, while locating/picking a
cluttered object of interest. The corresponding problem falls under the
category of planning in clutter. One of the challenges while planning in
clutter is that the number of object re-arrangements required to pick the
target object is not known beforehand, in general. Moreover, such tasks can be
decomposed in a variety of ways, since different cluttering object
re-arrangements are possible to reach the target object. In our approach, task
allocation and decomposition is achieved by maximizing a combined utility
function. The allocated tasks are performed by an integrated task and motion
planner, which is robust to the requirement of an unknown number of
re-arrangement tasks. We demonstrate our results with experiments in simulation
on two Franka Emika manipulators.
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