Finding Second-Order Stationary Point for Nonconvex-Strongly-Concave
Minimax Problem
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- Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2021 14:54:23 GMT
- Title: Finding Second-Order Stationary Point for Nonconvex-Strongly-Concave
Minimax Problem
- Authors: Luo Luo, Cheng Chen
- Abstract summary: In this paper, we consider non-asymotic behavior of finding second-order stationary point for minimax problem.
For high-dimensional problems, we propose anf to expensive cost form second-order oracle which solves the cubic sub-problem in gradient via descent and Chebyshev expansion.
- Score: 16.689304539024036
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- Abstract: We study the smooth minimax optimization problem of the form $\min_{\bf
x}\max_{\bf y} f({\bf x},{\bf y})$, where the objective function is
strongly-concave in ${\bf y}$ but possibly nonconvex in ${\bf x}$. This problem
includes a lot of applications in machine learning such as regularized GAN,
reinforcement learning and adversarial training. Most of existing theory
related to gradient descent accent focus on establishing the convergence result
for achieving the first-order stationary point of $f({\bf x},{\bf y})$ or
primal function $P({\bf x})\triangleq \max_{\bf y} f({\bf x},{\bf y})$. In this
paper, we design a new optimization method via cubic Newton iterations, which
could find an ${\mathcal
stationary point of $P({\bf x})$ with ${\mathcal
O}\left(\kappa^{1.5}\sqrt{\rho}\varepsilon^{-1.5}\right)$ second-order oracle
calls and $\tilde{\mathcal
O}\left(\kappa^{2}\sqrt{\rho}\varepsilon^{-1.5}\right)$ first-order oracle
calls, where $\kappa$ is the condition number and $\rho$ is the Hessian
smoothness coefficient of $f({\bf x},{\bf y})$. For high-dimensional problems,
we propose an variant algorithm to avoid expensive cost form second-order
oracle, which solves the cubic sub-problem inexactly via gradient descent and
matrix Chebyshev expansion. This strategy still obtains desired approximate
second-order stationary point with high probability but only requires
$\tilde{\mathcal O}\left(\kappa^{1.5}\ell\varepsilon^{-2}\right)$
Hessian-vector oracle and $\tilde{\mathcal
O}\left(\kappa^{2}\sqrt{\rho}\varepsilon^{-1.5}\right)$ first-order oracle
calls. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work considers
non-asymptotic convergence behavior of finding second-order stationary point
for minimax problem without convex-concave assumption.
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