Sim-to-Real Transfer in Multi-agent Reinforcement Networking for
Federated Edge Computing
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 00:21:07 GMT
- Title: Sim-to-Real Transfer in Multi-agent Reinforcement Networking for
Federated Edge Computing
- Authors: Pinyarash Pinyoanuntapong, Tagore Pothuneedi, Ravikumar Balakrishnan,
Minwoo Lee, Chen Chen, Pu Wang
- Abstract summary: Federated Learning (FL) over wireless multi-hop edge computing networks is a cost-effective distributed on-device deep learning paradigm.
This paper presents FedEdge simulator, a high-fidelity Linux-based simulator, which enables fast prototyping, sim-to-real code, and knowledge transfer for multi-hop FL systems.
- Score: 11.3251009653699
- License:
- Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) over wireless multi-hop edge computing networks,
i.e., multi-hop FL, is a cost-effective distributed on-device deep learning
paradigm. This paper presents FedEdge simulator, a high-fidelity Linux-based
simulator, which enables fast prototyping, sim-to-real code, and knowledge
transfer for multi-hop FL systems. FedEdge simulator is built on top of the
hardware-oriented FedEdge experimental framework with a new extension of the
realistic physical layer emulator. This emulator exploits trace-based channel
modeling and dynamic link scheduling to minimize the reality gap between the
simulator and the physical testbed. Our initial experiments demonstrate the
high fidelity of the FedEdge simulator and its superior performance on
sim-to-real knowledge transfer in reinforcement learning-optimized multi-hop
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