A Discrete-event-based Simulator for Deep Learning at Edge
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00952v1
- Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2021 03:13:53 GMT
- Title: A Discrete-event-based Simulator for Deep Learning at Edge
- Authors: Xiaoyan Liu, Zhiwei Xu, Yana Qin, Jie Tian
- Abstract summary: We propose a discrete-event-based edge learning simulator.
It includes a deep learning module and a network simulation module.
Our framework is generic and can be used in various deep learning problems before the deep learning model is deployed.
- Score: 7.096287095663305
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Novel smart environments, such as smart home, smart city, and intelligent
transportation, are driving increasing interest in deploying deep neural
networks (DNN) at edge devices. Unfortunately, deploying DNN on
resource-constrained edge devices poses a huge challenge. If a simulator can
interact with deep learning frameworks, it can facilitate researches on deep
learning at edge. The existing simulation frameworks, such as Matlab, NS-3,
etc., haven't been extended to support simulations of edge learning. To support
large-scale training simulations on edge nodes, we propose a
discrete-event-based edge learning simulator. It includes a deep learning
module and a network simulation module. Specifically, it enable simulations as
an environment for deep learning. Our framework is generic and can be used in
various deep learning problems before the deep learning model is deployed. In
this paper, we give the design and implementation details of the
discrete-event-based learning simulator and present an illustrative use case of
the proposed simulator.
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