Projected Model Counting: Beyond Independent Support
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- Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 10:40:22 GMT
- Title: Projected Model Counting: Beyond Independent Support
- Authors: Jiong Yang, Supratik Chakraborty, Kuldeep S. Meel
- Abstract summary: A key idea used in modern counters is to count models projected on an emphindependent support that is often a small subset of the projection set.
In this paper, we show that contrary to intuition, it can be beneficial to project on variables beyond the projection set.
- Score: 27.606526752377615
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- Abstract: The past decade has witnessed a surge of interest in practical techniques for
projected model counting. Despite significant advancements, however,
performance scaling remains the Achilles' heel of this field. A key idea used
in modern counters is to count models projected on an \emph{independent
support} that is often a small subset of the projection set, i.e. original set
of variables on which we wanted to project. While this idea has been effective
in scaling performance, the question of whether it can benefit to count models
projected on variables beyond the projection set, has not been explored. In
this paper, we study this question and show that contrary to intuition, it can
be beneficial to project on variables beyond the projection set. In
applications such as verification of binarized neural networks, quantification
of information flow, reliability of power grids etc., a good upper bound of the
projected model count often suffices. We show that in several such cases, we
can identify a set of variables, called upper bound support (UBS), that is not
necessarily a subset of the projection set, and yet counting models projected
on UBS guarantees an upper bound of the true projected model count.
Theoretically, a UBS can be exponentially smaller than the smallest independent
support. Our experiments show that even otherwise, UBS-based projected counting
can be more efficient than independent support-based projected counting, while
yielding bounds of very high quality. Based on extensive experiments, we find
that UBS-based projected counting can solve many problem instances that are
beyond the reach of a state-of-the-art independent support-based projected
model counter.
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