Dynamic Bottleneck for Robust Self-Supervised Exploration
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10735v1
- Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 19:17:05 GMT
- Title: Dynamic Bottleneck for Robust Self-Supervised Exploration
- Authors: Chenjia Bai, Lingxiao Wang, Lei Han, Animesh Garg, Jianye Hao, Peng
Liu, Zhaoran Wang
- Abstract summary: We propose a Dynamic Bottleneck (DB) model, which attains a dynamics-relevant representation based on the information-bottleneck principle.
Based on the DB model, we further propose DB-bonus, which encourages the agent to explore state-action pairs with high information gain.
Our experiments show that exploration with DB bonus outperforms several state-of-the-art exploration methods in noisy environments.
- Score: 84.78836146128236
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Exploration methods based on pseudo-count of transitions or curiosity of
dynamics have achieved promising results in solving reinforcement learning with
sparse rewards. However, such methods are usually sensitive to environmental
dynamics-irrelevant information, e.g., white-noise. To handle such
dynamics-irrelevant information, we propose a Dynamic Bottleneck (DB) model,
which attains a dynamics-relevant representation based on the
information-bottleneck principle. Based on the DB model, we further propose
DB-bonus, which encourages the agent to explore state-action pairs with high
information gain. We establish theoretical connections between the proposed
DB-bonus, the upper confidence bound (UCB) for linear case, and the visiting
count for tabular case. We evaluate the proposed method on Atari suits with
dynamics-irrelevant noises. Our experiments show that exploration with DB bonus
outperforms several state-of-the-art exploration methods in noisy environments.
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