Nonparametric Matrix Estimation with One-Sided Covariates
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- Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 19:11:45 GMT
- Title: Nonparametric Matrix Estimation with One-Sided Covariates
- Authors: Christina Lee Yu
- Abstract summary: We consider the task of matrix estimation in which a dataset $X in mathbbRntimes m$ is observed with sparsity $p$.
We provide an algorithm and analysis which shows that our algorithm improves upon naively estimating each row separately when the number of rows is not too small.
- Score: 5.457150493905064
- License:
- Abstract: Consider the task of matrix estimation in which a dataset $X \in
\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$ is observed with sparsity $p$, and we would like to
estimate $\mathbb{E}[X]$, where $\mathbb{E}[X_{ui}] = f(\alpha_u, \beta_i)$ for
some Holder smooth function $f$. We consider the setting where the row
covariates $\alpha$ are unobserved yet the column covariates $\beta$ are
observed. We provide an algorithm and accompanying analysis which shows that
our algorithm improves upon naively estimating each row separately when the
number of rows is not too small. Furthermore when the matrix is moderately
proportioned, our algorithm achieves the minimax optimal nonparametric rate of
an oracle algorithm that knows the row covariates. In simulated experiments we
show our algorithm outperforms other baselines in low data regimes.
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