Tight Concentrations and Confidence Sequences from the Regret of
Universal Portfolio
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14099v1
- Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 00:44:32 GMT
- Title: Tight Concentrations and Confidence Sequences from the Regret of
Universal Portfolio
- Authors: Francesco Orabona and Kwang-Sung Jun
- Abstract summary: Jun and Orabona [COLT'19] have shown how to easily convert the regret guarantee of an online betting algorithm into a time-uniform concentration inequality.
We show that we can go even further: We show that the regret of a minimax betting algorithm gives rise to a new implicit empirical time-uniform concentration.
- Score: 30.750408480772027
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A classic problem in statistics is the estimation of the expectation of
random variables from samples. This gives rise to the tightly connected
problems of deriving concentration inequalities and confidence sequences, that
is confidence intervals that hold uniformly over time. Jun and Orabona
[COLT'19] have shown how to easily convert the regret guarantee of an online
betting algorithm into a time-uniform concentration inequality. Here, we show
that we can go even further: We show that the regret of a minimax betting
algorithm gives rise to a new implicit empirical time-uniform concentration. In
particular, we use a new data-dependent regret guarantee of the universal
portfolio algorithm. We then show how to invert the new concentration in two
different ways: in an exact way with a numerical algorithm and symbolically in
an approximate way. Finally, we show empirically that our algorithms have
state-of-the-art performance in terms of the width of the confidence sequences
up to a moderately large amount of samples. In particular, our numerically
obtained confidence sequences are never vacuous, even with a single sample.
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