Active-LATHE: An Active Learning Algorithm for Boosting the Error
Exponent for Learning Homogeneous Ising Trees
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 09:47:58 GMT
- Title: Active-LATHE: An Active Learning Algorithm for Boosting the Error
Exponent for Learning Homogeneous Ising Trees
- Authors: Fengzhuo Zhang, Anshoo Tandon, Vincent Y. F. Tan
- Abstract summary: We design and analyze an algorithm that boosts the error exponent by at least 40% when $rho$ is at least $0.8$.
Our analysis hinges on judiciously exploiting the minute but detectable statistical variation of the samples to allocate more data to parts of the graph.
- Score: 75.93186954061943
- License:
- Abstract: The Chow-Liu algorithm (IEEE Trans.~Inform.~Theory, 1968) has been a mainstay
for the learning of tree-structured graphical models from i.i.d.\ sampled data
vectors. Its theoretical properties have been well-studied and are
well-understood. In this paper, we focus on the class of trees that are
arguably even more fundamental, namely {\em homogeneous} trees in which each
pair of nodes that forms an edge has the same correlation $\rho$. We ask
whether we are able to further reduce the error probability of learning the
structure of the homogeneous tree model when {\em active learning} or {\em
active sampling of nodes or variables} is allowed. Our figure of merit is the
{\em error exponent}, which quantifies the exponential rate of decay of the
error probability with an increasing number of data samples. At first sight, an
improvement in the error exponent seems impossible, as all the edges are
statistically identical. We design and analyze an algorithm Active Learning
Algorithm for Trees with Homogeneous Edge (Active-LATHE), which surprisingly
boosts the error exponent by at least 40\% when $\rho$ is at least $0.8$. For
all other values of $\rho$, we also observe commensurate, but more modest,
improvements in the error exponent. Our analysis hinges on judiciously
exploiting the minute but detectable statistical variation of the samples to
allocate more data to parts of the graph in which we are less confident of
being correct.
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