Sample-Optimal and Efficient Learning of Tree Ising models
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- Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 22:50:21 GMT
- Title: Sample-Optimal and Efficient Learning of Tree Ising models
- Authors: Constantinos Daskalakis and Qinxuan Pan
- Abstract summary: We show that $n$-variable tree-structured Ising models can be learned computationally-efficiently to within total variation distance $epsilon$ from an optimal $O(n ln n/epsilon2)$ samples.
Our guarantees do not follow from known results for the Chow-Liu algorithm.
- Score: 24.201827888085944
- License:
- Abstract: We show that $n$-variable tree-structured Ising models can be learned
computationally-efficiently to within total variation distance $\epsilon$ from
an optimal $O(n \ln n/\epsilon^2)$ samples, where $O(\cdot)$ hides an absolute
constant which, importantly, does not depend on the model being learned -
neither its tree nor the magnitude of its edge strengths, on which we place no
assumptions. Our guarantees hold, in fact, for the celebrated Chow-Liu [1968]
algorithm, using the plug-in estimator for estimating mutual information. While
this (or any other) algorithm may fail to identify the structure of the
underlying model correctly from a finite sample, we show that it will still
learn a tree-structured model that is $\epsilon$-close to the true one in total
variation distance, a guarantee called "proper learning."
Our guarantees do not follow from known results for the Chow-Liu algorithm
and the ensuing literature on learning graphical models, including a recent
renaissance of algorithms on this learning challenge, which only yield
asymptotic consistency results, or sample-inefficient and/or time-inefficient
algorithms, unless further assumptions are placed on the graphical model, such
as bounds on the "strengths" of the model's edges/hyperedges. While we
establish guarantees for a widely known and simple algorithm, the analysis that
this algorithm succeeds and is sample-optimal is quite complex, requiring a
hierarchical classification of the edges into layers with different
reconstruction guarantees, depending on their strength, combined with delicate
uses of the subadditivity of the squared Hellinger distance over graphical
models to control the error accumulation.
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