Enhancing Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation using Non-Gaussian
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00672v1
- Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 03:02:22 GMT
- Title: Enhancing Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation using Non-Gaussian
- Authors: Eduardo Villase\~nor and Robert Malaney
- Abstract summary: Continuous Variable (CV) non-Gaussian resources are fundamental in realization of quantum error correction.
In fiber-based quantum communications, the range of quantum teleportation is increased by approximately 40% via the use of certain non-Gaussian states.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Continuous Variable (CV) non-Gaussian resources are fundamental in the
realization of quantum error correction for CV-based quantum communications and
CV-based computing. In this work, we investigate the use of CV non-Gaussian
states as quantum teleportation resource states in the context of the
transmission of coherent and squeezed states through noisy channels. We
consider an array of different non-Gaussian resource states, and compute the
fidelity of state teleportation achieved for each resource. Our results show
that the use of non-Gaussian states presents a significant advantage compared
to the traditional resource adopted for CV teleportation; the Gaussian two-mode
squeezed vacuum state. In fiber-based quantum communications, the range of
quantum teleportation is increased by approximately 40% via the use of certain
non-Gaussian states. In satellite-to-ground quantum communications, for
aperture configurations consistent with the Micius satellite, the viable range
of quantum teleportation is increased from 700 km to over 1200 km. These
results represent a significant increase in the performance of pragmatic and
realizable quantum communications in both terrestrial and space-based networks.
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