Intervention Efficient Algorithm for Two-Stage Causal MDPs
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- Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 12:22:37 GMT
- Title: Intervention Efficient Algorithm for Two-Stage Causal MDPs
- Authors: Rahul Madhavan, Aurghya Maiti, Gaurav Sinha and Siddharth Barman
- Abstract summary: We study Markov Decision Processes (MDP) wherein states correspond to causal graphs that generate rewards.
In this setup, the learner's goal is to identify atomic interventions that lead to high rewards by intervening on variables at each state.
Generalizing the recent causal-bandit framework, the current work develops (simple) regret minimization guarantees for two-stage causal MDPs.
- Score: 15.838256272508357
- License:
- Abstract: We study Markov Decision Processes (MDP) wherein states correspond to causal
graphs that stochastically generate rewards. In this setup, the learner's goal
is to identify atomic interventions that lead to high rewards by intervening on
variables at each state. Generalizing the recent causal-bandit framework, the
current work develops (simple) regret minimization guarantees for two-stage
causal MDPs, with parallel causal graph at each state. We propose an algorithm
that achieves an instance dependent regret bound. A key feature of our
algorithm is that it utilizes convex optimization to address the exploration
problem. We identify classes of instances wherein our regret guarantee is
essentially tight, and experimentally validate our theoretical results.
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