Quantum illumination with a light absorbing target
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01069v1
- Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 16:30:08 GMT
- Title: Quantum illumination with a light absorbing target
- Authors: Rivu Gupta, Saptarshi Roy, Tamoghna Das, Aditi Sen De
- Abstract summary: We present an optical setup that models a target with characteristics and explore its detectability in the quantum domain.
For an idler-free setup, we use the coherent state for QI while the two mode squeezed vacuum (TMSV) state is employed in the signal-idler scheme.
In both the cases, we report an absorption-induced enhancement of the detection efficiency indicated by a lowering of CB with increasing amounts of absorption.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In a quantum illumination (QI) protocol, the task is to detect the presence
of the target which is typically modelled by a partially reflecting beam
splitter. We analyze the performance of QI when the target absorbs part of the
light that falls on it, thereby making the scenario more realistic. We present
an optical setup that models a target with these characteristics and explore
its detectability in the quantum domain in terms of the Chernoff bound (CB).
For an idler-free setup, we use the coherent state for QI while the two mode
squeezed vacuum (TMSV) state is employed in the signal-idler scheme. In both
the cases, we report an absorption-induced enhancement of the detection
efficiency indicated by a lowering of CB with increasing amounts of absorption.
Interestingly, we show that in the presence of absorption, a more intense
thermal background can lead to target detection with enhanced efficiency.
Moreover, we observe that the quantum advantage persists even for finite
amounts of absorption. However, we find that the quantum advantage offered by
TMSV decreases monotonically with absorption, and becomes vanishingly small in
the high absorption regime. We also demonstrate the optimality of both the
coherent and the TMSV states in their respective setups (idler-free and
signal-idler) in the limit of low reflectivity and absorption.
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