Panoptic 3D Scene Reconstruction From a Single RGB Image
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- Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2021 18:06:38 GMT
- Title: Panoptic 3D Scene Reconstruction From a Single RGB Image
- Authors: Manuel Dahnert, Ji Hou, Matthias Nie{\ss}ner, Angela Dai
- Abstract summary: Understanding 3D scenes from a single image is fundamental to a wide variety of tasks, such as for robotics, motion planning, or augmented reality.
Inspired by 2D panoptic segmentation, we propose to unify the tasks of geometric reconstruction, 3D semantic segmentation, and 3D instance segmentation into the task of panoptic 3D scene reconstruction.
We demonstrate that this holistic view of joint scene reconstruction, semantic, and instance segmentation is beneficial over treating the tasks independently, thus outperforming alternative approaches.
- Score: 24.960786016915105
- License:
- Abstract: Understanding 3D scenes from a single image is fundamental to a wide variety
of tasks, such as for robotics, motion planning, or augmented reality. Existing
works in 3D perception from a single RGB image tend to focus on geometric
reconstruction only, or geometric reconstruction with semantic segmentation or
instance segmentation. Inspired by 2D panoptic segmentation, we propose to
unify the tasks of geometric reconstruction, 3D semantic segmentation, and 3D
instance segmentation into the task of panoptic 3D scene reconstruction - from
a single RGB image, predicting the complete geometric reconstruction of the
scene in the camera frustum of the image, along with semantic and instance
segmentations. We thus propose a new approach for holistic 3D scene
understanding from a single RGB image which learns to lift and propagate 2D
features from an input image to a 3D volumetric scene representation. We
demonstrate that this holistic view of joint scene reconstruction, semantic,
and instance segmentation is beneficial over treating the tasks independently,
thus outperforming alternative approaches.
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