From Optimality to Robustness: Dirichlet Sampling Strategies in
Stochastic Bandits
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- Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 14:34:21 GMT
- Title: From Optimality to Robustness: Dirichlet Sampling Strategies in
Stochastic Bandits
- Authors: Dorian Baudry (CRIStAL, Scool, CNRS), Patrick Saux (CRIStAL, Scool),
Odalric-Ambrym Maillard (CRIStAL, Scool)
- Abstract summary: We study a generic Dirichlet Sampling (DS) algorithm, based on pairwise comparisons of empirical indices computed with re-sampling of the arms' observations.
We show that different variants of this strategy achieve provably optimal regret guarantees when the distributions are bounded and logarithmic regret for semi-bounded distributions with a mild quantile condition.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The stochastic multi-arm bandit problem has been extensively studied under
standard assumptions on the arm's distribution (e.g bounded with known support,
exponential family, etc). These assumptions are suitable for many real-world
problems but sometimes they require knowledge (on tails for instance) that may
not be precisely accessible to the practitioner, raising the question of the
robustness of bandit algorithms to model misspecification. In this paper we
study a generic Dirichlet Sampling (DS) algorithm, based on pairwise
comparisons of empirical indices computed with re-sampling of the arms'
observations and a data-dependent exploration bonus. We show that different
variants of this strategy achieve provably optimal regret guarantees when the
distributions are bounded and logarithmic regret for semi-bounded distributions
with a mild quantile condition. We also show that a simple tuning achieve
robustness with respect to a large class of unbounded distributions, at the
cost of slightly worse than logarithmic asymptotic regret. We finally provide
numerical experiments showing the merits of DS in a decision-making problem on
synthetic agriculture data.
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