論文の概要: Unsupervised Learning Architecture for Classifying the Transient Noise
of Interferometric Gravitational-wave Detectors
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.10053v2
- Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 10:37:08 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-03-07 12:11:23.975789
- Title: Unsupervised Learning Architecture for Classifying the Transient Noise
of Interferometric Gravitational-wave Detectors
- Title(参考訳): 干渉型重力波検出器の過渡ノイズ分類のための教師なし学習アーキテクチャ
- Authors: Yusuke Sakai, Yousuke Itoh, Piljong Jung, Keiko Kokeyama, Chihiro
Kozakai, Katsuko T. Nakahira, Shoichi Oshino, Yutaka Shikano, Hirotaka
Takahashi, Takashi Uchiyama, Gen Ueshima, Tatsuki Washimi, Takahiro Yamamoto,
Takaaki Yokozawa
- Abstract要約: 非定常・非ガウス的特徴を持つ過渡雑音は高い速度で発生する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 2.8555963243398073
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In the data obtained by laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors,
transient noise with non-stationary and non-Gaussian features occurs at a high
rate. This often results in problems such as detector instability and the
hiding and/or imitation of gravitational-wave signals. This transient noise has
various characteristics in the time--frequency representation, which is
considered to be associated with environmental and instrumental origins.
Classification of transient noise can offer clues for exploring its origin and
improving the performance of the detector. One approach for accomplishing this
is supervised learning. However, in general, supervised learning requires
annotation of the training data, and there are issues with ensuring objectivity
in the classification and its corresponding new classes. By contrast,
unsupervised learning can reduce the annotation work for the training data and
ensure objectivity in the classification and its corresponding new classes. In
this study, we propose an unsupervised learning architecture for the
classification of transient noise that combines a variational autoencoder and
invariant information clustering. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
architecture, we used the dataset (time--frequency two-dimensional spectrogram
images and labels) of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory
(LIGO) first observation run prepared by the Gravity Spy project. The classes
provided by our proposed unsupervised learning architecture were consistent
with the labels annotated by the Gravity Spy project, which manifests the
potential for the existence of unrevealed classes.
- Abstract(参考訳): レーザー干渉型重力波検出器によって得られたデータでは、非定常および非ガウス的特徴を持つ過渡ノイズが高速に発生する。
This transient noise has various characteristics in the time--frequency representation, which is considered to be associated with environmental and instrumental origins. Classification of transient noise can offer clues for exploring its origin and improving the performance of the detector. One approach for accomplishing this is supervised learning. However, in general, supervised learning requires annotation of the training data, and there are issues with ensuring objectivity in the classification and its corresponding new classes. By contrast, unsupervised learning can reduce the annotation work for the training data and ensure objectivity in the classification and its corresponding new classes. In this study, we propose an unsupervised learning architecture for the classification of transient noise that combines a variational autoencoder and invariant information clustering. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed architecture, we used the dataset (time--frequency two-dimensional spectrogram images and labels) of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) first observation run prepared by the Gravity Spy project.
提案した教師なし学習アーキテクチャが提供するクラスは,Gravity Spyプロジェクトによって注釈付けされたラベルと一致しており,未発見のクラスの存在の可能性を示している。
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