Variational Gibbs Inference for Statistical Model Estimation from
Incomplete Data
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 08:57:59 GMT
- Title: Variational Gibbs Inference for Statistical Model Estimation from
Incomplete Data
- Authors: Vaidotas Simkus, Benjamin Rhodes, Michael U. Gutmann
- Abstract summary: We introduce variational Gibbs inference (VGI), a new general-purpose method to estimate the parameters of statistical models from incomplete data.
We validate VGI on a set of synthetic and real-world estimation tasks, estimating important machine learning models such as variational autoencoders and normalising flows from incomplete data.
- Score: 7.4250022679087495
- License:
- Abstract: Statistical models are central to machine learning with broad applicability
across a range of downstream tasks. The models are controlled by free
parameters that are typically estimated from data by maximum-likelihood
estimation or approximations thereof. However, when faced with real-world data
sets many of the models run into a critical issue: they are formulated in terms
of fully-observed data, whereas in practice the data sets are plagued with
missing data. The theory of statistical model estimation from incomplete data
is conceptually similar to the estimation of latent-variable models, where
powerful tools such as variational inference (VI) exist. However, in contrast
to standard latent-variable models, parameter estimation with incomplete data
often requires estimating exponentially-many conditional distributions of the
missing variables, hence making standard VI methods intractable. We address
this gap by introducing variational Gibbs inference (VGI), a new
general-purpose method to estimate the parameters of statistical models from
incomplete data. We validate VGI on a set of synthetic and real-world
estimation tasks, estimating important machine learning models such as
variational autoencoders and normalising flows from incomplete data. The
proposed method, whilst general-purpose, achieves competitive or better
performance than existing model-specific estimation methods.
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