Federated Gaussian Process: Convergence, Automatic Personalization and
Multi-fidelity Modeling
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14008v1
- Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 00:17:31 GMT
- Title: Federated Gaussian Process: Convergence, Automatic Personalization and
Multi-fidelity Modeling
- Authors: Xubo Yue, Raed Al Kontar
- Abstract summary: We show that textttFGPR is a promising approach for privacy-preserving multi-fidelity data modeling.
We show that textttFGPR excels in a wide range of applications and is a promising approach for privacy-preserving multi-fidelity data modeling.
- Score: 4.18804572788063
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this paper, we propose \texttt{FGPR}: a Federated Gaussian process
($\mathcal{GP}$) regression framework that uses an averaging strategy for model
aggregation and stochastic gradient descent for local client computations.
Notably, the resulting global model excels in personalization as \texttt{FGPR}
jointly learns a global $\mathcal{GP}$ prior across all clients. The predictive
posterior then is obtained by exploiting this prior and conditioning on local
data which encodes personalized features from a specific client. Theoretically,
we show that \texttt{FGPR} converges to a critical point of the full
log-likelihood function, subject to statistical error. Through extensive case
studies we show that \texttt{FGPR} excels in a wide range of applications and
is a promising approach for privacy-preserving multi-fidelity data modeling.
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