論文の概要: Quantum-enhanced rubidium atomic magnetometer based on Faraday rotation
via 795-nm Stokes operator squeezed light
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00186v3
- Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2021 02:26:02 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-03-06 04:58:25.899582
- Title: Quantum-enhanced rubidium atomic magnetometer based on Faraday rotation
via 795-nm Stokes operator squeezed light
- Title(参考訳): 795nmストークス演算子によるファラデー回転に基づく量子増強ルビジウム原子磁気センサ
- Authors: Lele Bai, Xin Wen, Yulin Yang, Lulu Zhang, Jun He, Yanhua Wang, and
Junmin Wang
- Abstract要約: 795nm光の偏光抑制状態(PSS)はルビジウム87(87Rb)原子磁気センサで使用されている。
19.5 pT/Hz1/2の典型的な感度はストークス作用素S2のPSSをプローブとして、PCSをプローブとして28.3 pT/Hz1/2の感度で達成されている。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 25.204247946000425
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: With the help of Stokes operator S2 squeezed state (also called polarization
squeezed state (PSS)) of 795-nm light, rubidium-87 (87Rb) atomic magnetometer
based on Faraday rotation has been implemented and characterized.The PSS of
Stokes operator S2 of 795-nm light has been prepared by means of coherently
combining the polarization coherent state (PCS) of a linearly p-polarized
bright 795-nm light beam and a linearly s-polarized squeezed vacuum state (SVS)
generated by a 397.5-nm ultraviolet laser pumped sub-threshold optical
parametric oscillator (OPO) with a PPKTP bulk crystal inside the OPO cavity.PSS
with a squeezing level of -3.7 has been achieved around the analysis frequency
of 10 kHz. At different transitions of D1 line, various frequency detuning, and
reasonable atomic vapor cells temperature, Faraday rotation has been measured
and compared.To decrease absorption (scattering) losses and the back-action
from atomic spin noise to the probe beams polarization noise for maintaining
the quantum properties of PSS of Stokes operator S2 of 795-nm light, we had to
run our magnetometer with 87Rb vapor cells temperature below 60, at which the
PSS was almost destroyed.The sensitivities of magnetic field measurement were
characterized via measuring signal-to-noise ratio of the alternating current
(AC) calibrated magnetic field signal with a balanced polarimeter. Under the
conditions of the atomic number density of 5.8*1010 /cm3 and the probe beam
with a detuning of - 400 MHz relative to the 5S1/2 (Fg=2) - 5P1/2 (Fe=1)
transition of 87Rb D1 line, a typical sensitivity of 19.5 pT/Hz1/2 has been
achieved employing PSS of Stokes operator S2 as the probe, compared with a
sensitivity of 28.3 pT/Hz1/2 using PCS as the probe.We preliminarily
demonstrated that the quantum-enhanced sensitivity in a Faraday-rotation-based
87Rb atomic magnetometer with the help of PSS of 795-nm light.
- Abstract(参考訳): With the help of Stokes operator S2 squeezed state (also called polarization squeezed state (PSS)) of 795-nm light, rubidium-87 (87Rb) atomic magnetometer based on Faraday rotation has been implemented and characterized.The PSS of Stokes operator S2 of 795-nm light has been prepared by means of coherently combining the polarization coherent state (PCS) of a linearly p-polarized bright 795-nm light beam and a linearly s-polarized squeezed vacuum state (SVS) generated by a 397.5-nm ultraviolet laser pumped sub-threshold optical parametric oscillator (OPO) with a PPKTP bulk crystal inside the OPO cavity.PSS with a squeezing level of -3.7 has been achieved around the analysis frequency of 10 kHz.
At different transitions of D1 line, various frequency detuning, and reasonable atomic vapor cells temperature, Faraday rotation has been measured and compared.To decrease absorption (scattering) losses and the back-action from atomic spin noise to the probe beams polarization noise for maintaining the quantum properties of PSS of Stokes operator S2 of 795-nm light, we had to run our magnetometer with 87Rb vapor cells temperature below 60, at which the PSS was almost destroyed.The sensitivities of magnetic field measurement were characterized via measuring signal-to-noise ratio of the alternating current (AC) calibrated magnetic field signal with a balanced polarimeter.
Under the conditions of the atomic number density of 5.8*1010 /cm3 and the probe beam with a detuning of - 400 MHz relative to the 5S1/2 (Fg=2) - 5P1/2 (Fe=1) transition of 87Rb D1 line, a typical sensitivity of 19.5 pT/Hz1/2 has been achieved employing PSS of Stokes operator S2 as the probe, compared with a sensitivity of 28.3 pT/Hz1/2 using PCS as the probe.We preliminarily demonstrated that the quantum-enhanced sensitivity in a Faraday-rotation-based 87Rb atomic magnetometer with the help of PSS of 795-nm light.
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