Non parametric estimation of causal populations in a counterfactual
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- Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 13:51:24 GMT
- Title: Non parametric estimation of causal populations in a counterfactual
- Authors: Celine Beji, Florian Yger, Jamal Atif
- Abstract summary: We propose an innovative approach where the problem is reformulated as a missing data model.
The aim is to estimate the hidden distribution of emphcausal populations, defined as a function of treatment and outcome.
- Score: 6.247939901619901
- License:
- Abstract: In causality, estimating the effect of a treatment without confounding
inference remains a major issue because requires to assess the outcome in both
case with and without treatment. Not being able to observe simultaneously both
of them, the estimation of potential outcome remains a challenging task. We
propose an innovative approach where the problem is reformulated as a missing
data model. The aim is to estimate the hidden distribution of \emph{causal
populations}, defined as a function of treatment and outcome. A Causal
Auto-Encoder (CAE), enhanced by a prior dependent on treatment and outcome
information, assimilates the latent space to the probability distribution of
the target populations. The features are reconstructed after being reduced to a
latent space and constrained by a mask introduced in the intermediate layer of
the network, containing treatment and outcome information.
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