Semantic Search as Extractive Paraphrase Span Detection
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- Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2021 13:16:42 GMT
- Title: Semantic Search as Extractive Paraphrase Span Detection
- Authors: Jenna Kanerva, Hanna Kitti, Li-Hsin Chang, Teemu Vahtola, Mathias
Creutz and Filip Ginter
- Abstract summary: We frame the problem of semantic search by framing the search task as paraphrase span detection.
On the Turku Paraphrase Corpus of 100,000 manually extracted Finnish paraphrase pairs, we find that our paraphrase span detection model outperforms two strong retrieval baselines.
We introduce a method for creating artificial paraphrase data through back-translation, suitable for languages where manually annotated paraphrase resources are not available.
- Score: 0.8137055256093007
- License:
- Abstract: In this paper, we approach the problem of semantic search by framing the
search task as paraphrase span detection, i.e. given a segment of text as a
query phrase, the task is to identify its paraphrase in a given document, the
same modelling setup as typically used in extractive question answering. On the
Turku Paraphrase Corpus of 100,000 manually extracted Finnish paraphrase pairs
including their original document context, we find that our paraphrase span
detection model outperforms two strong retrieval baselines (lexical similarity
and BERT sentence embeddings) by 31.9pp and 22.4pp respectively in terms of
exact match, and by 22.3pp and 12.9pp in terms of token-level F-score. This
demonstrates a strong advantage of modelling the task in terms of span
retrieval, rather than sentence similarity. Additionally, we introduce a method
for creating artificial paraphrase data through back-translation, suitable for
languages where manually annotated paraphrase resources for training the span
detection model are not available.
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