Reinforcement Learning with Almost Sure Constraints
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- Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2021 20:07:53 GMT
- Title: Reinforcement Learning with Almost Sure Constraints
- Authors: Agustin Castellano, Hancheng Min, Juan Bazerque, Enrique Mallada
- Abstract summary: We argue that stationary policies are not sufficient for solving this problem.
We show that the minimal budget required to act safely can be obtained as the smallest fixed point of a Bellman-like operator.
- Score: 1.0323063834827415
- License:
- Abstract: In this work we address the problem of finding feasible policies for
Constrained Markov Decision Processes under probability one constraints. We
argue that stationary policies are not sufficient for solving this problem, and
that a rich class of policies can be found by endowing the controller with a
scalar quantity, so called budget, that tracks how close the agent is to
violating the constraint. We show that the minimal budget required to act
safely can be obtained as the smallest fixed point of a Bellman-like operator,
for which we analyze its convergence properties. We also show how to learn this
quantity when the true kernel of the Markov decision process is not known,
while providing sample-complexity bounds. The utility of knowing this minimal
budget relies in that it can aid in the search of optimal or near-optimal
policies by shrinking down the region of the state space the agent must
navigate. Simulations illustrate the different nature of probability one
constraints against the typically used constraints in expectation.
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