Deterministic and Discriminative Imitation (D2-Imitation): Revisiting
Adversarial Imitation for Sample Efficiency
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2021 19:36:19 GMT
- Title: Deterministic and Discriminative Imitation (D2-Imitation): Revisiting
Adversarial Imitation for Sample Efficiency
- Authors: Mingfei Sun, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann and Shimon Whiteson
- Abstract summary: We propose an off-policy sample efficient approach that requires no adversarial training or min-max optimization.
Our empirical results show that D2-Imitation is effective in achieving good sample efficiency, outperforming several off-policy extension approaches of adversarial imitation.
- Score: 61.03922379081648
- License:
- Abstract: Sample efficiency is crucial for imitation learning methods to be applicable
in real-world applications. Many studies improve sample efficiency by extending
adversarial imitation to be off-policy regardless of the fact that these
off-policy extensions could either change the original objective or involve
complicated optimization. We revisit the foundation of adversarial imitation
and propose an off-policy sample efficient approach that requires no
adversarial training or min-max optimization. Our formulation capitalizes on
two key insights: (1) the similarity between the Bellman equation and the
stationary state-action distribution equation allows us to derive a novel
temporal difference (TD) learning approach; and (2) the use of a deterministic
policy simplifies the TD learning. Combined, these insights yield a practical
algorithm, Deterministic and Discriminative Imitation (D2-Imitation), which
operates by first partitioning samples into two replay buffers and then
learning a deterministic policy via off-policy reinforcement learning. Our
empirical results show that D2-Imitation is effective in achieving good sample
efficiency, outperforming several off-policy extension approaches of
adversarial imitation on many control tasks.
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