Top $K$ Ranking for Multi-Armed Bandit with Noisy Evaluations
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- Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2021 16:35:18 GMT
- Title: Top $K$ Ranking for Multi-Armed Bandit with Noisy Evaluations
- Authors: Evrard Garcelon and Vashist Avadhanula and Alessandro Lazaric and
Matteo Pirotta
- Abstract summary: We consider a multi-armed bandit setting where, at the beginning of each round, the learner receives noisy independent evaluations of the true reward of each arm.
We derive different algorithmic approaches and theoretical guarantees depending on how the evaluations are generated.
- Score: 102.32996053572144
- License:
- Abstract: We consider a multi-armed bandit setting where, at the beginning of each
round, the learner receives noisy independent, and possibly biased,
\emph{evaluations} of the true reward of each arm and it selects $K$ arms with
the objective of accumulating as much reward as possible over $T$ rounds. Under
the assumption that at each round the true reward of each arm is drawn from a
fixed distribution, we derive different algorithmic approaches and theoretical
guarantees depending on how the evaluations are generated. First, we show a
$\widetilde{O}(T^{2/3})$ regret in the general case when the observation
functions are a genearalized linear function of the true rewards. On the other
hand, we show that an improved $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret can be derived
when the observation functions are noisy linear functions of the true rewards.
Finally, we report an empirical validation that confirms our theoretical
findings, provides a thorough comparison to alternative approaches, and further
supports the interest of this setting in practice.
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