Evaluating System Identification Methods for Predicting Thermal
Dissipation of Heterogeneous SoCs
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10121v1
- Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 11:26:02 GMT
- Title: Evaluating System Identification Methods for Predicting Thermal
Dissipation of Heterogeneous SoCs
- Authors: Joel \"Ohrling and S\'ebastien Lafond and Dragos Truscan
- Abstract summary: We focus on modeling approaches that can predict the temperature based on the clock frequency and the utilization percentage of each core.
We investigate three methods with respect to their prediction accuracy: a linear state-space identification approach using regressors, a NARX neural network approach and a recurrent neural network approach.
The results show that the model based on regressors significantly outperformed the other two models when trained with 1 hour and 6 hours of data.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In this paper we evaluate the use of system identification methods to build a
thermal prediction model of heterogeneous SoC platforms that can be used to
quickly predict the temperature of different configurations without the need of
hardware. Specifically, we focus on modeling approaches that can predict the
temperature based on the clock frequency and the utilization percentage of each
core. We investigate three methods with respect to their prediction accuracy: a
linear state-space identification approach using polynomial regressors, a NARX
neural network approach and a recurrent neural network approach configured in
an FIR model structure. We evaluate the methods on an Odroid-XU4 board
featuring an Exynos 5422 SoC. The results show that the model based on
polynomial regressors significantly outperformed the other two models when
trained with 1 hour and 6 hours of data.
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