MRI Reconstruction via Data Driven Markov Chain with Joint Uncertainty
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- Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2022 09:13:49 GMT
- Title: MRI Reconstruction via Data Driven Markov Chain with Joint Uncertainty
- Authors: Guanxiong Luo, Martin Heide, Martin Uecker
- Abstract summary: We introduce a framework that enables efficient sampling from learned probability distributions for MRI reconstruction.
The data-driven Markov chains are constructed from the generative model learned from a given image database.
The performance of the method is evaluated on an open dataset using 10-fold accelerated acquisition.
- Score: 3.5751623095926806
- License:
- Abstract: We introduce a framework that enables efficient sampling from learned
probability distributions for MRI reconstruction. Different from conventional
deep learning-based MRI reconstruction techniques, samples are drawn from the
posterior distribution given the measured k-space using the Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) method. In addition to the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate for
the image, which can be obtained with conventional methods, the minimum mean
square error (MMSE) estimate and uncertainty maps can also be computed. The
data-driven Markov chains are constructed from the generative model learned
from a given image database and are independent of the forward operator that is
used to model the k-space measurement. This provides flexibility because the
method can be applied to k-space acquired with different sampling schemes or
receive coils using the same pre-trained models. Furthermore, we use a
framework based on a reverse diffusion process to be able to utilize advanced
generative models. The performance of the method is evaluated on an open
dataset using 10-fold accelerated acquisition.
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