Enhancing Legal Argument Mining with Domain Pre-training and Neural
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.13457v1
- Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2022 21:24:53 GMT
- Title: Enhancing Legal Argument Mining with Domain Pre-training and Neural
- Authors: Gechuan Zhang, Paul Nulty, David Lillis
- Abstract summary: The contextual word embedding model, BERT, has proved its ability on downstream tasks with limited quantities of annotated data.
BERT and its variants help to reduce the burden of complex annotation work in many interdisciplinary research areas.
- Score: 0.45119235878273
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The contextual word embedding model, BERT, has proved its ability on
downstream tasks with limited quantities of annotated data. BERT and its
variants help to reduce the burden of complex annotation work in many
interdisciplinary research areas, for example, legal argument mining in digital
humanities. Argument mining aims to develop text analysis tools that can
automatically retrieve arguments and identify relationships between
argumentation clauses. Since argumentation is one of the key aspects of case
law, argument mining tools for legal texts are applicable to both academic and
non-academic legal research. Domain-specific BERT variants (pre-trained with
corpora from a particular background) have also achieved strong performance in
many tasks. To our knowledge, previous machine learning studies of argument
mining on judicial case law still heavily rely on statistical models. In this
paper, we provide a broad study of both classic and contextual embedding models
and their performance on practical case law from the European Court of Human
Rights (ECHR). During our study, we also explore a number of neural networks
when being combined with different embeddings. Our experiments provide a
comprehensive overview of a variety of approaches to the legal argument mining
task. We conclude that domain pre-trained transformer models have great
potential in this area, although traditional embeddings can also achieve strong
performance when combined with additional neural network layers.
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