Attend, Memorize and Generate: Towards Faithful Table-to-Text Generation
in Few Shots
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- Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 20:37:20 GMT
- Title: Attend, Memorize and Generate: Towards Faithful Table-to-Text Generation
in Few Shots
- Authors: Wenting Zhao, Ye Liu, Yao Wan, Philip S. Yu
- Abstract summary: Few-shot table-to-text generation is a task of composing fluent and faithful sentences to convey table content using limited data.
This paper proposes a novel approach, Memorize and Generate (called AMG), inspired by the text generation process of humans.
- Score: 58.404516361586325
- License:
- Abstract: Few-shot table-to-text generation is a task of composing fluent and faithful
sentences to convey table content using limited data. Despite many efforts
having been made towards generating impressive fluent sentences by fine-tuning
powerful pre-trained language models, the faithfulness of generated content
still needs to be improved. To this end, this paper proposes a novel approach
Attend, Memorize and Generate (called AMG), inspired by the text generation
process of humans. In particular, AMG (1) attends over the multi-granularity of
context using a novel strategy based on table slot level and traditional
token-by-token level attention to exploit both the table structure and natural
linguistic information; (2) dynamically memorizes the table slot allocation
states; and (3) generates faithful sentences according to both the context and
memory allocation states. Comprehensive experiments with human evaluation on
three domains (i.e., humans, songs, and books) of the Wiki dataset show that
our model can generate higher qualified texts when compared with several
state-of-the-art baselines, in both fluency and faithfulness.
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