Probabilistically Robust Recourse: Navigating the Trade-offs between
Costs and Robustness in Algorithmic Recourse
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- Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 15:46:16 GMT
- Title: Probabilistically Robust Recourse: Navigating the Trade-offs between
Costs and Robustness in Algorithmic Recourse
- Authors: Martin Pawelczyk and Teresa Datta and Johannes van-den-Heuvel and
Gjergji Kasneci and Himabindu Lakkaraju
- Abstract summary: We propose an objective function which simultaneously minimizes the gap between the achieved (resulting) and desired recourse invalidation rates.
We develop novel theoretical results to characterize the recourse invalidation rates corresponding to any given instance.
Experimental evaluation with multiple real world datasets demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed framework.
- Score: 34.39887495671287
- License:
- Abstract: As machine learning models are increasingly being employed to make
consequential decisions in real-world settings, it becomes critical to ensure
that individuals who are adversely impacted (e.g., loan denied) by the
predictions of these models are provided with a means for recourse. While
several approaches have been proposed to construct recourses for affected
individuals, the recourses output by these methods either achieve low costs
(i.e., ease-of-implementation) or robustness to small perturbations (i.e.,
noisy implementations of recourses), but not both due to the inherent
trade-offs between the recourse costs and robustness. Furthermore, prior
approaches do not provide end users with any agency over navigating the
aforementioned trade-offs. In this work, we address the above challenges by
proposing the first algorithmic framework which enables users to effectively
manage the recourse cost vs. robustness trade-offs. More specifically, our
framework Probabilistically ROBust rEcourse (\texttt{PROBE}) lets users choose
the probability with which a recourse could get invalidated (recourse
invalidation rate) if small changes are made to the recourse i.e., the recourse
is implemented somewhat noisily. To this end, we propose a novel objective
function which simultaneously minimizes the gap between the achieved
(resulting) and desired recourse invalidation rates, minimizes recourse costs,
and also ensures that the resulting recourse achieves a positive model
prediction. We develop novel theoretical results to characterize the recourse
invalidation rates corresponding to any given instance w.r.t. different classes
of underlying models (e.g., linear models, tree based models etc.), and
leverage these results to efficiently optimize the proposed objective.
Experimental evaluation with multiple real world datasets demonstrates the
efficacy of the proposed framework.
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