Quantum correlations of a two-qubit system and the Aubry-Andr\'{e} chain
in bosonic environments
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10460v2
- Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2022 07:01:31 GMT
- Title: Quantum correlations of a two-qubit system and the Aubry-Andr\'{e} chain
in bosonic environments
- Authors: He Wang, Liufang Xu and Jin Wang
- Abstract summary: The quantum correlations of a two-qubit system are first studied in bosonic reservoirs.
Non-Markovian effects can improve the survival time of the quantum correlations significantly.
Non-Markovian dynamics with existing memory can lead to entanglement rebirth in specific scenarios.
- Score: 8.290066187716354
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this research, we analyze two models using the tensor network algorithm.
The quantum correlations of a two-qubit system are first studied in different
bosonic reservoirs. Both equilibrium and nonequilibrium scenarios are
discussed. Non-Markovian effects can improve the survival time of the quantum
correlations significantly and weaken the decoherence effect. Non-Markovian
dynamics with existing memory can lead to entanglement rebirth in specific
scenarios instead of the eventual entanglement decay or death seen in
memoryless Markovian cases. The system reaches a steady state quickest in
sub-Ohmic reservoirs and shows the most apparent non-Markovian behavior in
super-Ohmic reservoirs. We not only study the impact of the environment on
quantum correlations but also how to protect quantum correlations. Starting
from a state in which the two ends are maximally entangled, a one-dimensional
AA chain model is also studied. We identify distinct phases by monitoring the
imbalance dynamics. When the chain is closed, the imbalance dynamics behave
differently in various phases, and so does the entanglement evolution between
the chain's ends. When the first site couples to a bath, we found the imbalance
dynamics can still be an effective indicator to differentiate various phases in
an early evolution stage since the imbalance dynamics is only remarkably
affected at relatively high temperatures. The distribution of the eigenenergy
of the system can account for it. The entanglement of the chain ends decays
rapidly in all phases due to one of the ends being coupled to the bath
directly. However, the entanglement of the chain ends will persist for a
perceptible amount of time in the localization phase if the bath is coupled to
the middle site of the chain. Our research shows that one can utilize the
disordered environment as a buffer to protect quantum correlations.
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