Qualia as physical measurements: a mathematical model of qualia and pure
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10602v1
- Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2022 17:21:57 GMT
- Title: Qualia as physical measurements: a mathematical model of qualia and pure
- Authors: Pedro Resende
- Abstract summary: Intersubjectivity is based on relating different observers in a way that leads to a logical version of quantum superposition.
It is conjectured that qualia and measurements have the same nature, corresponding to fundamental processes via which classical information is produced and physically stored.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A space of qualia is defined to be a sober topological space whose points are
the qualia and whose open sets are the pure concepts in the sense of Lewis,
carrying additional algebraic structure that conveys the conscious experience
of subjective time and logical abstraction. This structure is analogous to that
of a space of physical measurements. It is conjectured that qualia and
measurements have the same nature, corresponding to fundamental processes via
which classical information is produced and physically stored, and that
therefore the hard problem of consciousness and the measurement problem are two
facets of the same problem. The space of qualia is independent from any
preexisting notions of spacetime and conscious agent, but its structure caters
for a derived geometric model of observer. Intersubjectivity is based on
relating different observers in a way that leads to a logical version of
quantum superposition.
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