Spectral Algorithms Optimally Recover (Censored) Planted Dense Subgraphs
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11847v1
- Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2022 16:23:43 GMT
- Title: Spectral Algorithms Optimally Recover (Censored) Planted Dense Subgraphs
- Authors: Souvik Dhara, Julia Gaudio, Elchanan Mossel, and Colin Sandon
- Abstract summary: We study spectral algorithms for the planted dense subgraph problem (PDS) and a censored variant (CPDS) of PDS, where the edge statuses are missing at random.
We show that a simple spectral algorithm based on the top two eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix can recover $Sstar$ up to the information theoretic threshold.
For the CDPS model, we obtain the information theoretic limit for the recovery problem, and further show that a spectral algorithm based on a special matrix called the signed adjacency matrix recovers $Sstar$ up to the information theoretic threshold
- Score: 6.760971938794954
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We study spectral algorithms for the planted dense subgraph problem (PDS), as
well as for a censored variant (CPDS) of PDS, where the edge statuses are
missing at random. More precisely, in the PDS model, we consider $n$ vertices
and a random subset of vertices $S^{\star}$ of size $\Omega(n)$, such that two
vertices share an edge with probability $p$ if both of them are in $S^{\star}$,
and all other edges are present with probability $q$, independently. The goal
is to recover $S^{\star}$ from one observation of the network. In the CPDS
model, edge statuses are revealed with probability $\frac{t \log n}{n}$. For
the PDS model, we show that a simple spectral algorithm based on the top two
eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix can recover $S^{\star}$ up to the
information theoretic threshold. Prior work by Hajek, Wu and Xu required a less
efficient SDP based algorithm to recover $S^{\star}$ up to the information
theoretic threshold. For the CDPS model, we obtain the information theoretic
limit for the recovery problem, and further show that a spectral algorithm
based on a special matrix called the signed adjacency matrix recovers
$S^{\star}$ up to the information theoretic threshold.
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