Offline Reinforcement Learning Under Value and Density-Ratio
Realizability: the Power of Gaps
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 23:33:38 GMT
- Title: Offline Reinforcement Learning Under Value and Density-Ratio
Realizability: the Power of Gaps
- Authors: Jinglin Chen, Nan Jiang
- Abstract summary: We provide guarantees to a pessimistic algorithm based on a version space formed by marginalized importance sampling.
Our work is the first to identify the utility and the novel mechanism of gap assumptions in offline reinforcement learning.
- Score: 15.277483173402128
- License:
- Abstract: We consider a challenging theoretical problem in offline reinforcement
learning (RL): obtaining sample-efficiency guarantees with a dataset lacking
sufficient coverage, under only realizability-type assumptions for the function
approximators. While the existing theory has addressed learning under
realizability and under non-exploratory data separately, no work has been able
to address both simultaneously (except for a concurrent work which we compare
to in detail). Under an additional gap assumption, we provide guarantees to a
simple pessimistic algorithm based on a version space formed by marginalized
importance sampling, and the guarantee only requires the data to cover the
optimal policy and the function classes to realize the optimal value and
density-ratio functions. While similar gap assumptions have been used in other
areas of RL theory, our work is the first to identify the utility and the novel
mechanism of gap assumptions in offline RL.
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