Leveraging Factored Action Spaces for Efficient Offline Reinforcement
Learning in Healthcare
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.01738v1
- Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 19:13:10 GMT
- Title: Leveraging Factored Action Spaces for Efficient Offline Reinforcement
Learning in Healthcare
- Authors: Shengpu Tang, Maggie Makar, Michael W. Sjoding, Finale Doshi-Velez,
Jenna Wiens
- Abstract summary: We propose a form of linear Q-function decomposition induced by factored action spaces.
Our approach can help an agent make more accurate inferences within underexplored regions of the state-action space.
- Score: 38.42691031505782
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Many reinforcement learning (RL) applications have combinatorial action
spaces, where each action is a composition of sub-actions. A standard RL
approach ignores this inherent factorization structure, resulting in a
potential failure to make meaningful inferences about rarely observed
sub-action combinations; this is particularly problematic for offline settings,
where data may be limited. In this work, we propose a form of linear Q-function
decomposition induced by factored action spaces. We study the theoretical
properties of our approach, identifying scenarios where it is guaranteed to
lead to zero bias when used to approximate the Q-function. Outside the regimes
with theoretical guarantees, we show that our approach can still be useful
because it leads to better sample efficiency without necessarily sacrificing
policy optimality, allowing us to achieve a better bias-variance trade-off.
Across several offline RL problems using simulators and real-world datasets
motivated by healthcare, we demonstrate that incorporating factored action
spaces into value-based RL can result in better-performing policies. Our
approach can help an agent make more accurate inferences within underexplored
regions of the state-action space when applying RL to observational datasets.
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