論文の概要: Gastrointestinal Polyps and Tumors Detection Based on Multi-scale
Feature-fusion with WCE Sequences
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01012v1
- Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2022 07:24:50 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-04-05 16:31:33.921037
- Title: Gastrointestinal Polyps and Tumors Detection Based on Multi-scale
Feature-fusion with WCE Sequences
- Title(参考訳): WCEシークエンスを用いたマルチスケール機能融合による消化管ポリープと腫瘍検出
- Authors: Zhuo Falin, Liu Haihua and Pan Ning
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,小腸ポリープと腫瘍を自動的に検出するtextbfTwo-stage textbfMulti-scale textbfFeature-fusion Learning Network(textbfTMFNet)を提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Wireless Capsule Endoscopy(WCE) has been widely used for the screening of
gastrointestinal(GI) diseases, especially the small intestine, due to its
advantages of non-invasive and painless imaging of the entire digestive
tract.However, the huge amount of image data captured by WCE makes manual
reading a process that requires a huge amount of tasks and can easily lead to
missed detection and false detection of lesions.Therefore, In this paper, we
propose a \textbf{T}wo-stage \textbf{M}ulti-scale \textbf{F}eature-fusion
learning network(\textbf{TMFNet}) to automatically detect small intestinal
polyps and tumors in WCE image sequences. Specifically, TMFNet consists of
lesion detection network and lesion identification network. Among them, the
former improves the feature extraction module and detection module based on the
traditional Faster R-CNN network, and readjusts the parameters of the anchor in
the region proposal network(RPN) module;the latter combines residual structure
and feature pyramid structure are used to build a small intestinal lesion
recognition network based on feature fusion, for reducing the false positive
rate of the former and improve the overall accuracy.We used 22,335 WCE images
in the experiment, with a total of 123,092 lesion regions used to train the
detection framework of this paper. In the experiment, the detection framework
is trained and tested on the real WCE image dataset provided by the hospital
gastroenterology department. The sensitivity, false positive and accuracy of
the final model on the RPM are 98.81$\%$, 7.43$\%$ and 92.57$\%$,
respectively.Meanwhile,the corresponding results on the lesion images were
98.75$\%$, 5.62$\%$ and 94.39$\%$. The algorithm model proposed in this paper
is obviously superior to other detection algorithms in detection effect and
- Abstract(参考訳): Wireless Capsule Endoscopy(WCE) has been widely used for the screening of gastrointestinal(GI) diseases, especially the small intestine, due to its advantages of non-invasive and painless imaging of the entire digestive tract.However, the huge amount of image data captured by WCE makes manual reading a process that requires a huge amount of tasks and can easily lead to missed detection and false detection of lesions.Therefore, In this paper, we propose a \textbf{T}wo-stage \textbf{M}ulti-scale \textbf{F}eature-fusion learning network(\textbf{TMFNet}) to automatically detect small intestinal polyps and tumors in WCE image sequences.
Among them, the former improves the feature extraction module and detection module based on the traditional Faster R-CNN network, and readjusts the parameters of the anchor in the region proposal network(RPN) module;the latter combines residual structure and feature pyramid structure are used to build a small intestinal lesion recognition network based on feature fusion, for reducing the false positive rate of the former and improve the overall accuracy.We used 22,335 WCE images in the experiment, with a total of 123,092 lesion regions used to train the detection framework of this paper.
RPMの最終モデルの感度, 偽陽性, 精度はそれぞれ98.81$\%$, 7.43$\%$, 92.57$\%$であったが, 病変画像の対応する結果は98.75$\%$, 5.62$\%$, 94.39$\%$であった。
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