Correspondence of topological classification between quantum graph extra
dimension and topological matter
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- Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2022 08:39:16 GMT
- Title: Correspondence of topological classification between quantum graph extra
dimension and topological matter
- Authors: Tomonori Inoue, Makoto Sakamoto, Masatoshi Sato, and Inori Ueba
- Abstract summary: We study five-dimensional Dirac fermions of which extra-dimension is compactified on quantum graphs.
We provide a complete topological classification of the boundary conditions in terms of non-interacting fermionic topological phases.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this paper, we study five-dimensional Dirac fermions of which
extra-dimension is compactified on quantum graphs. We find that there is a
non-trivial correspondence between matrices specifying boundary conditions at
the vertex of the quantum graphs and zero-dimensional Hamiltonians in gapped
free-fermion systems. Based on the correspondence, we provide a complete
topological classification of the boundary conditions in terms of
non-interacting fermionic topological phases. The ten symmetry classes of
topological phases are fully identified in the language of five-dimensional
Dirac fermions, and topological numbers of the boundary conditions are given.
In analogy with the bulk-boundary correspondence in non-interacting fermionic
topological phases, the boundary condition topological numbers predict
four-dimensional massless fermions localized at the vertex of the quantum
graphs and thus govern the low energy physics in four dimensions.
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